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Shianne Warner

Human Services

Community Served
"I learned so much about applying for colleges, programs offered, and received a lot of assistance from my College Adviser, and I would like to offer that same guidance to the next generation of students."

Shianne is no stranger to MSUCAC, as she was advised by an MSUCAC College Adviser during her time in high school. Shianne’s career goals are deeply aligned with MSUCAC—she hopes to continue in K-12 education either in teaching or as a school librarian. Giving back to her community is very important to her, so she is excited to be back at her alma mater and helping students in the same way she was helped when she was in their shoes. 

Fun fact: Shianne’s family had five foreign exchange students when she was growing up, and now she is hosting her first exchange student as an adult!

Shianne is from Holton, Michigan, and graduated in May 2022.

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